Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2 by 2

"Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life came to Noah and entered the Ark." Genesis 7:15

I want to share with you a tidbit of how Good our God is. Without going into great detail (it would be entirely too long, but I assure you, the details are great--and by that I mean wonderful) I want to tell you about a friend of mine and what God has done in her life.
When I was a working woman I was a social worker. My last job was in a Christian pregnancy center. My dream job. I was able to actively share the gospel with my clients and disciple them amidst their chaotic lives. What. An . Honor. Can I just tell you most of them were pregnant outside of marriage and it would be an understatement to say that was the LEAST of their problems! Are you following me? Lost, hurting people.
I had the blessing of meeting a sweet girl (I'll not say her name since I have not asked for permission--although I know she would not mind) who was not pregnant, but struggling with the loss of her children to CPS due to her boyfriend's abuse towards her and them. She was desperate. She was a past user. I am talking hard core. Used to use with her parents. We talked for hours and I shared the Gospel with her. She excitedly accepted. Oh friends, the story gets to be so so so good. I wish I could write it all down, but this woman's life was forever changed. Eventually, she got her kids back, got an awesome job, joined a FABULOUS church and get this...is getting married to a wonderful, Christian man!! We still keep in touch and I can attest that she is a totally different person. I mean, it was truly the old person was dead and a new woman began. She seemed to be the ultimate "damaged goods", even though she was born again, no man would ever marry her with her baggage. Did God not see differently?

I write all of this because she was on my heart this morning. She now lives in a different town, so I texted her and said, "thinking of you...are you getting excited about the wedding?" She responded with this, which I loved, "Yes, God is so good." Simply put. I can just hear her sweet voice saying it as she wrote it. Wow. I am still amazed at this story. And I want to add that I take ZERO credit or glory. It was totally something that could only be from the Lord, trust me, I am only a tee-niny vessel.

So, I was furthering meditating in the enormity of our Father after we shared several text messages. He gently spoke the above verse to me. I was forced to ask myself why I have not shared the Gospel more- knowing the outcome could be as it was with my dear friend I mention to you today. Is it not the ultimate glory to God? How many others are missing the mark because of my inability to share His word? So, this morning, God has said to me, "2" over and over. Thinking about this revival makes me want to extend the challenge to you to invite 2 women. 2 women you know are not believers. Simply put. Guess what, ya'll? These women are not only the ex-users in turmoil. These non-believers are our friends. They are the ones who are in church with us, but do not know Him. They are in our supper clubs. Our playgroups. And we are ignoring them...

...until now. Here is what I feel prompted to do. It is a challenge I want to extend to you that I feel has been a word from the Lord. Think of 2 women you know who are non-believers. Think about it. I do not think they cannot be home-less hurting women, they are important too, all I am saying is that sometimes it is closer to home than you think. Let's take the next several mo already have my 2 and I am ashamed that I am so close to them and have not shared my faith with them. Please think on and pray for these women. I tell you this now so you can prepare yourself. Pray for them outloud by name. Get in your prayer groups and pray for them by name! Then, come September, I want them to be at the "Just Give Me Jesus" revival. Let's stop being scared, ya'll. Look what people are missing out on. These women are hurting. They need a light in their life. They need a legacy for their children. And we are passing them over because we are either scared to share, or are too consumed in our own lives to notice. We are needing a touch of His light in our own lives. So, let's think on the 2 women you know (OF COURSE it can be more than 2!), pray for them, prepare to invite them, and become an example in their lives....


Anonymous said...

I was so convicted by your words, Nicki. It is so true that we are often too TIMID to engage our closest friends in conversation about Lord. Afraid of offending them. Afraid of conflict..... He is showing me that HE is the only one I have to please. And the cool thing is - the more I experience His pleasure, the more I seek it, regardless of the cost. It is truly DIVINE! So I have my "two" and I'm going after them!!

melle bain said...

Nicki - thanks for your commitement to blog - really your commmitment to GOd- to spur others on -- as i read the bring "2" challenge - my mind raced as to which 2 or mabey more-- but 2 is to achievable -- i like that! so now i pray and wait on the Lord to show me my "2" - just think he saved all he had created,after the flood, by starting with saving 2 at a time before the flood - what an awesome God we serve !